How Much Should I Weigh?

We have helped a lot of people lose weight.  We work with men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes, and one question many struggle with is "How much should I weigh?"

Most clients when they start working with us have a number in mind. But sometimes clients struggle to put a number on their goal.  Maybe it's been a long time since they felt comfortable in their skin, and their "happy weight" seems unrealistic.


First, look at Body Mass Index (BMI) to get a healthy range.  

While BMI used in isolation is an imperfect measure, it is a great overall indicator of health.  Having a BMI in the Overweight or Obese range greatly increases your risk for diabetes, arthritis, liver disease, certain types of cancer, hypertension and high cholesterol

  • If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.
  • If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the normal range
  • If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range.
  • If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range.
BMI Table

Next, look back at old photos.  

Okay, maybe not THAT far back. Eighteen-year-old you has come and gone.  Instead, think back to the last time in your adult life you felt confident and strong.  A time when you enjoyed shopping for clothing and felt comfortable at the beach. 

Use the 10% Rule to set mini goals. 

In general, when working with clients with larger goals, we first target a loss of 10% of their body weight.  There are a few reasons for this.  First, the health benefits of just a 10% loss of body weight are undeniable: a decrease of at least half a point in diabetes markers, a decrease in blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic, of 5 mmHg, and decreased risk of sleep apnea, inflammation disorders, and insulin resistance.  Second, we want sustainable change.  10% of total body weight lost over a 4 to 6 month period is considered healthy and sustainable, making it an attainable mini goal for most of our clients. 

Set Goals that AREN'T on the Scale-

Non-scale victories or NSVs are important! Recent NSVs from our clients included- getting off prescription anxiety medication, running a 5k, and fitting into pre-baby jeans.  The scale is part of a very complex picture of wellness

Measure Inches-

We once had a client who had little movement in the scale, but she lost over 14 inches over her body. Her increased exercise completely transformed her body, and the scale simply wasn't reflective of her progress.  Be prepared to disassociate yourself from that number.

You'll Know it When you See it-

Many of our clients change their goals over the course of working with us. Typically they hit their goals and are “on a roll” so they decide to push themselves further. Perhaps their body composition changes drastically so inches lost are a better indicator of health. We can help you set and adjust your objectives as you go.

At the end of the day, these are just guidelines. Your goals are YOURS to set.  Only you know your body and you will know when you feel happy and like the most healthful version of yourself! 


This information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or manage any disease or condition. We are not physicians and any information we provide is not a substitute for medical advice and care.  You, as always, are responsible for your own health and should consult your medical providers to ensure any changes are right for your personal medical conditions.  

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